Professional Teeth Whitening

Whitening your teeth is one of the simplest things you can do to take years off your smile. Bright, white teeth look cleaner and healthier, and they make a great first impression! Tooth discoloration is generally caused by foods and tobacco use. Beverages that contain tannins like tea, wine, and coffee are known to cause discoloration. Other factors may include genetics, age, medication, and trauma to the jaw. If you’re not getting the results you want with those drugstore whitening strips, then it’s time to step up your whitening game with one of our professional options.

We offer custom take-home whitening and ready-to-go options that you can utilize. Custom whitening (Opalescence PF) is great for patients who have experience with at-home teeth whitening, while Opalescence Go is often a better choice for beginners and those looking for a lower price point. Dr. Gallagher is dedicated to providing patients with safe and effective whitening treatments for bright, beautiful smiles. Your pearly whites will be sparkling in no time!

Opalescence Professional Whitening

Opalescence is widely regarded as a very effective take-home whitening system. It’s been proven to remove tough stains from a variety of causes, including:

  • Fluorosis (Excessive fluoridation during tooth development)
  • Normal Wear of Outer Tooth Layer
  • Yellow or Brown Tobacco Stains (Cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, etc.)

Your teeth can easily appear 8 shades lighter or more, for a naturally white and healthy smile. Not ready to give up coffee or wine? With simple, consistent maintenance, your results can also be permanent, even if you continue moderate consumption of foods known to cause tooth staining.

KoR Teeth Whitening - Overland Park Family Dental

Keep in mind that if you have veneers or crowns they may need to be replaced to match your new smile, as the whitening process will not lighten any of the acrylic or porcelain fittings in your mouth.

Follow up consists of periodic maintenance to ensure you’ll have permanent results. With professional-level bleaching, you might think that the whitening gel would be harsh on your teeth and gums. Believe it or not, Opalescence typically causes less sensitivity than other whitening methods. The special tray clings very carefully around your mouth so that only your teeth are touched by the whitening gel, leaving your gums and tongue protected. It’s been deemed completely safe for use on patients ages 14–90, while delivering superior results in just two weeks!

Take Home Whitening - Overland Park KS Dentist

Opalescence Go

Opalescence Go is a convenient, professional-grade alternative to custom whitening that offers just as effective results. It comes with pre-filled, disposable trays that are ready to use right out of the box, making the process simple and mess-free.

With its hydrogen peroxide-based formula, Opalescence Go helps brighten your smile in just a few days, providing noticeable results without the need for custom trays or in-office visits. It’s a great option for patients looking for an easy, affordable whitening solution.

Ready to learn more about professional teeth whitening? Please contact us!