Why Do We Get Dental X-Rays?

Even though you’re probably used to have X-rays taken when you go to the dentist, you may wonder why we need to take dental X-rays in the first place. Read our blog post to learn about how X-rays are a helpful diagnostic and planning tool that dentists use to ensure you get the best care. Call today to schedule your exam and X-rays.

The Link Between Oral Health and Overall Health

As dental professionals, we always tell our patients to make sure to visit us every six months and to keep up good dental hygiene habits at home. But we never really tell you why, do we? You’re probably wondering why taking such good care of your teeth is so vital – they’re just teeth, after […]

Should You Rinse After Brushing?

You may be surprised to learn that rinsing your mouth with water after brushing can remove beneficial fluoride. You shouldn’t swallow your toothpaste, but rinsing with as little water as possible can be good for your teeth. Here’s how to protect your teeth with fluoride at home. Don’t Rinse All the Toothpaste Out Some refer […]