How to Know If You Grind Your Teeth at Night

sleeping woman grinds her teeth

Grinding your teeth at night can cause a host of problems, from minor discomfort to cracked molars. Luckily, wearing a custom nightguard will provide relief in most cases. But how can you know if you’re grinding your teeth while you’re asleep? Here are a few telltale signs that you may be suffering from this condition, also called bruxism.

You Wake Up in Pain

The most common sign that you are grinding your teeth at night is that you frequently wake up with a tense jaw or a headache. Clenching your jaw in your sleep puts stress on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which connects your jawbone to your skull. Left untreated, this habit can develop into a TMJ disorder where you may experience symptoms including difficulty chewing or a clicking jaw.

You Notice Dental Issues

Another unfortunate side effect of bruxism is excessive wear and tear on your teeth. Unknowingly grinding your teeth in your sleep can flatten the chewing surfaces of your teeth, chip your enamel, or make your teeth more sensitive. Your dentist can take a closer look during an examination to check for signs of bruxism.

Your Partner Tells You

Perhaps the easiest way to know for certain that you are grinding your teeth at night is to ask your partner. If you share a bed with someone, they have likely noticed signs of your bruxism, such as the sound of your grinding or clenching jaw. If you sleep alone, you might try recording yourself overnight to see if you can hear proof that you are grinding your teeth.

Custom Nightguards in Overland Park, Kansas

Patients who deal with bruxism can invest in a custom-fitted nightguard at Overland Park Family Dental to protect their smile and jaw. Don’t let tooth grinding cause you any more problems, schedule a consultation with our team today!

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