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How the Heat Can Affect Your Teeth

With July just around the corner, summer time and the heat that it brings is in full swing. Now is the time to go outside and enjoy the outdoors while the sun is shining and the sky is blue. As the summer progresses, the heat will continue to rise, and we want to make sure […]

Summertime Foods & Drinks to Avoid

It’s summertime, and everywhere you turn there are temptations to indulge in something delicious: ice cream, popsicles, popcorn, hot dogs, smoothies, and fruity drinks. It’s hard enough on your waistline, but what about your teeth? Here is a comprehensive list of foods and drinks you should avoid for the sake of your teeth! Popsicles In […]

Should You Rinse After Brushing?

You may be surprised to learn that rinsing your mouth with water after brushing can remove beneficial fluoride. You shouldn’t swallow your toothpaste, but rinsing with as little water as possible can be good for your teeth. Here’s how to protect your teeth with fluoride at home. Don’t Rinse All the Toothpaste Out Some refer […]

Your Dentist May First Notice Signs of Osteoporosis

Two woman sitting on a bench contemplating osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is an incurable condition in which bones become weak and brittle. Often, it is not diagnosed until bone density has been reduced significantly. However, oral health problems may be one of the first signs that osteoporosis is occurring in a patient. This is another reason why it is important to have regular checkups with […]